Costa Mesa

Sunflower-Picking Blooms Again in Costa Mesa

Hana Field, which is helmed by the Tanaka Farms team (though not located at the Irvine farm, do note), is ready for more u-pick fun.

Atit Phetmuangtong/EyeEm

What to Know

  • Aug. 28-29 and Sept. 4-5, 2021 in Costa Mesa
  • Advance reservations required; $5 admission, ages 2 and up
  • Flower cups are $20 and "hold 15 blooms"; do show with your own utensils for cutting

There's something so sweet about a second bloom, whether that encore event happens in life, love, friendship, your work, or, yes, where growing things quite literally open their petals when conditions are right.

Sunflowers are famous for their fabulous, sunshine-hued petals, and seeing these sky-reaching beauties blossom in a big way, around early July or so, is a pleasure known to many flower fans around Southern California.

But sometimes, there can be a later engagement, even in the same summer, for a fanciful field of sunflowers.

And that's just what will happen at Hana Field, a verdant expanse of sunflower joy located in Costa Mesa.

True, the field, which is overseen by Tanaka Farms, already produced bunches of u-pick sunflowers earlier in the summer of 2021, but sunflowers will again be sunflowering as August nears its end and September starts.

Are you eager to visit, either for some flowery photos or to pick a few and bring them home? You'll need to reserve your spot, and there are only so many upcoming days to do so.

If you're simply looking for some sunflower-adjacent snapshots, you'll pay the five dollars to enter (and that's for visitors age 2 and over, per guest).

If you want to pick 15 or so, you'll want to purchase a flower cup for $20.

Important to remember? Please be sure to show with your own cutting utensils. If you know how hearty sunflower stems can be, you know you'll need a garden-ready implement at the ready.

And, again, this field is located in Costa Mesa, not Irvine, which is where Tanaka Farms has long been headquartered.

Hana is "flower" in Japanese, and the fabulous field boasts other beautiful blooms, too, like zinnias. Sweet.

Find out more about this encore of the popular chance to go sunflower-picking, how to reserve, times, and dates right here.

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