The Last Free National Parks Day of 2018 Is Here

Honor our veterans, and find some stillness, on Nov. 11 at your favorite park.

What to Know

  • Sunday, Nov. 11
  • Fee-charging national parks will waive admission in honor of Veterans Day
  • Yosemite, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, and other California national parks included

Is November's take on fall notably different than October's autumnal expression?

Well, of course, in so many little and less-than-little ways.

And while various parts of the country are now firmly on the "winter's coming" side of the fall foliage scene, the Golden State, at mid-range and lower elevations, is still feeling that leafy glow, even as November deepens.

Which makes the second Sunday in November a beautiful day for tree-seeking, and creek-pondering, and trail-hiking, and engaging with our national parks.

Every day is great for that, in fact, but Sunday, Nov. 11 happens to be a free day in the system that includes our glorious and grand national parks, the last pay-nothing-to-enter day on the 2018 National Park Service calendar.

It's in honor of Veterans Day, so if you are a veteran, or know and love one, consider making a trip out to a favorite valley or scenic vista part of your commemoration.

The Scene

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Not every national park charges a get-in fee, but over 100 locations in the NPS system do, including Yosemite National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, and Death Valley National Park.

True, the deserts of inland California may not be mellowing in the traditional fall foliage sense, but the change of seasons, and the growing-colder-ness, is evident in our more arid expanses, of course.

Marvelously evident, in more subtle ways, from changing skies to changing flora, so consider a trip to see cacti and boulders if you're looking for another way to experience fall, outside of the apple-picking and pumpkin-gathering and leaves.

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