Watch Nine Oscar Films Over 24 Hours

Are you ready to catch up on your Best Picture nominees? Really catch up?

Throwing an Oscars-viewing bash, complete with beverages and appetizers and ballots and little desserts shaped like the famous gold statuette? You'll likely want to take it easy the day before Oscar Sunday, which is Feb. 24 this year.

But perhaps you've missed some of the films that received a Best Picture nomination. Perhaps you've missed all of the nine films that have a place in this hallowed category. What to do?

Well, you could lounge around the house on Saturday, Feb. 23, or you could head to the Orange 30 or the Universal CityWalk 19 -- AMC theaters, both -- for a one-day marathon of all nine films.

Let that sit with you for a moment, if you want. Nine films, all of this year's Best Picture nominees, one after the other. In order of screening on Feb. 23? "Amour," "Lincoln," "Argo," "Django Unchained," "Les Miserables," "Zero Dark Thirty," "Life of Pi," "Silver Linings Playbook," and "Beasts of the Southern Wild."

Start time? Oh, 10 a.m. on Feb. 23. Start time of the final movie? "Beasts of the Southern Wild" begins at 7:55 in the morning on Sunday, Feb. 24.

A ticket is a rather economical $60 (consider the cost of a single movie ticket).

If watching nine films for nearly 24 hours is a bit too much for you, consider that AMC is breaking up the nominees into two smaller chunks for screening on Saturday, Feb. 16 and Saturday, Feb. 23. The mini-marathons will also play at more theaters, too. Admission is thirty bucks on Feb. 16 and forty dollars on Feb. 24.

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Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

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Perhaps watching movies all night ahead of your Oscar party isn't the best idea. Or maybe, really, it is an awesome idea, and will give that giddy edge that a really memorable Oscars-viewing party too often lacks. Good luck.

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