
Winter's (Almost) a Wrap at Big Bear Mountain Resort

The last day to schuss and/or ride, at least in terms of the 2020-2021 season, is April 11.

Big Bear Mountain Resort

What to Know

  • Sunday, April 11 is the closing day of the 2020-2021 season
  • The season has seen 140 days of skiing and riding
  • Summer activities open on Memorial Day Weekend

Of all the months that can be described as chameleonic, April is way, way up there.

Some people may call the fourth month "unpredictable," and they'd be right. "Changeable" also works, because wintry days can still reign, even as tiny green shoots are springing up from every crevice and crack.

However you put words to this chameleon of a month, it is an unsurprising fact that the pleasures of the colder season tend to make their final bow right around now, even if winter doesn't seem quite over-over.

And so they shall, at Big Bear Mountain Resort, on Sunday, April 11. That's the final day of the 2020-2021 season to break out your board, or your skis and poles, and enjoy some down-the-hill thrills.

The Southern California winter was most definitely on the drier side (as the live Poppy Cam at the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve can currently attest), but the upper-elevation resort still saw 140 days of riding and skiing and 139 inches of snowfall.

Interesting to ponder on your way up the mountain?

The destination just experienced its snowiest March in two decades, despite the notable lack of moisture earlier in the season.

Parking in the resort's base areas is free for "the remainder of the season" and IKON pass holders can use next season's pass, if they have one, to enjoy the snow show through April 11.

Can't wait for all of those summery pursuits and pastimes up in the peaks?

Nothing chameleon-like or changeable about this announcement: The resort's warm-weather, get-outdoors activities begin on Memorial Day Weekend 2021.

Photo taken on March 23, 2021

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