Eagle Rock

A ‘Pollination Party' Will Fête Butterflies and Flowery Brews

The Theodore Payne Foundation is calling upon Eagle Rock Brewery with plants for purchase. Also? Sip a libation that boasts flavors from the natural world.

Getty Images/zmurciuk_k

What to Know

  • Sunday, June 13 from noon to 5 p.m.
  • Eagle Rock Brewery at 3056 Roswell Street
  • Plants, seeds, and veggie starts will be available for purchase; spotlight beers will feature local floral elements, like California Bay Laurel

You can't talk about beer without talking about hops, and talking about hops is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from discussing the lush gifts and leafy pleasures of the natural world.

The storied and sudsy sip has long been connected to the world of seeds, stems, and flowers, too, and celebrating both, over the course of one single, sunny afternoon, feels pretty right.

That will happen, on springtime's very last Sunday, at Eagle Rock Brewery.

For the brewhouse is holding a five-hour festivity that will feature a very special guest-starring organization: The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers & Native Plants.

Not only are the plant-loving Payne peeps stopping by the June 13 Pollination Party with seeds for purchase, and native plants, too, but they'll also show with "veggie starts" from the Avenue 33 Farm, if you're looking to work on your yard-based plot of yumminess this summer.

But there's more, as you might expect, given that this happening is taking place at a hops-forward, foam-fantastic location.

There shall be beers to sip, the sorts of suds that find inspiration in our butterfly-beautiful, bee-buzzing landscape.

The "Local Source" brews will be "... flavored with Black Sage, Wooly Blue Curls, and California Bay Laurel," elements that sound as if they'll pair perfectly, and quite zingily, with the traditional tastes found in a well-made craft beer.

A special treat, one that comes with the sort of uplifting learn-strong element you may be seeking on a leaf-filled, libation-nice Sunday afternoon?

"Special guest Lisa Gonzalez, Assistant Collections Manager from the Natural History Museum BioSCAN Project, Entomology Department will join us to share information about the native pollinating insects of LA," shared the foundation in a Facebook post.

You don't need to RSVP to attend, but holding a soft spot for the oh-so-important pollinators of our planet, and understanding the interconnectedness between the plants we admire and the beverages we enjoy, is a sweet thing to have in tow.

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