Admire Outfits of Bygone Eras, at Heritage Square

The annual vintage tea and fashion show is ready for the runway at the historic spread.

What to Know

  • Tea & Fashion Show
  • Saturday, April 14
  • $55

If ever you wanted to hop inside some sort of sartorial saucer, or an attire-minded airplane, or the sort of clothing-obsessed conveyance that could zip you around to closets existing in different time periods, you couldn't choose a better weekend than the middle weekend of April in the year 2018.

For on the one hand you have the Instagram-ready scene at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, which opens on April 13.

The get-ups of tomorrow? What fashion fans'll be wearing in a year? People do take note of what's worn at the fest, in part to tell the fashion future.

Bringing the looks of the long-ago past to Southern California at the very same time? It's Heritage Square Museum, which is setting up the runway for its Annual Victorian Tea and Fashion Show, an event that'll strut on Saturday, April 14.

Though is "strut" quite the right word? The Victorians promenaded more than strutted, we'll wager, though as we sadly lack a time machine, we do not know if our theory is button-tight.

We do know that several participants will don beautiful historical wearables that span over three centuries at the vintage-cool destination.

The Scene

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Plan on taking a seat along the runway?

Prepare to hear "... narrators weave fascinating historic stories," tales that will further elaborate what the attire seen on the runway. The 2018 theme is "First Ladies... of Fashion," and tributes to Jackie Kennedy, Coco Chanel, and other great figures will be part of the day.

A day that also includes a choice of loose leaf tea as well as sandwiches, tarts, and cakes.

A ticket? It's $55, for an adult, and ten dollars for a child age 7 to 12.

The historic buildings around the 110-close destination won't be open for the regular tours on April 14, but you will get to bask in the midday spring sunshine around the picturesque grounds. The hours are 11 a.m. to 3 in the afternoon.

Ready to eye the fashion of the future and the past? Both sides of that sartorial coin will be in full eye-wowza swing, at Coachella and Heritage Square, respectively, and simultaneously, on April 14.

As for most of us around SoCal on that date? We'll be dressing in the now, ish. But even though we mostly live in the present, at least where our clothing is concerned, time-traveling every now and then can prove eye-opening, entertaining, and a blast.

Did the Victorians, though, have "blasts," or did they prefer "diversions and amusements"? We'll wager a little bit of both.

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