
Cute Goats Will Soon Amble by the Gamble House

Several Goat Yoga sessions have sold out at the Pasadena landmark, but you can book a spot in early September.

Buyenlarge-Contributor/Jessica R. Bunger

What to Know

  • Pasadena
  • Saturday, Sept. 11, 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • $35 members, $45 non-members

While the Gamble House, the landmark Craftsman designed by Charles and Henry Greene in the early part of the 20th century, has a way of catching eyes, thanks to its handsome eaves, grand brickwork, and woodsy whimsy, there are other exterior elements that do enchant.

Take, for example, the lovely lawn that spills down a slight slope from the regal but understated Pasadena manor, which was the home of David and Mary Gamble (a family with ties to Procter & Gamble).

If you've ever thought that the grassy area would make a sublime spot for animals to romp, you're not wrong, though if you had dogs in mind, you might need to pause that flight of fancy right there.

For adorable goats will soon be holding court around the exterior of the Gamble House, adding charm, memorable moments, and photo opportunities aplenty during a number of Goat Yoga sessions.

The late-summer classes have been booking up quicker than a cute kid can jump onto a yoga mat, but there are a couple of sessions that remain open in early September.

The cost? If you're a member of the Gamble House, it is $35, while non-members may join one of the evening classes for $45.

Tina Lenert, a certified instructor, will lead the lively events, which will feature the delightful Nigerian Dwarf goats of Hello Critter.

If you've long been a Gamble-ist, and attended the house's special holiday programs, fact-filled tours, and music-themed happenings, surely adding Goat Yoga to your calendar is a merry must.

And coming at the end of summer, when the evenings are growing cooler? It's a lovely way to spend time on the treasure's rear lawn, among a cadre of companionable animals, as the sun sets over the nearby Arroyo Seco.

Finding out the details, what to expect, and such? Bleat bleat: All you need to know abou the goatly goings-on is right here.

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