YOU COULD CORRECTLY SAY... that Santa understands how velocity and speed and movement work, what with piloting a sleigh through the air like he so famously does. But the jolly fellow also must know a bit about movement on the ground, specifically ground that's covered with snow, as he does have to land his sleigh, oh, millions of times over a single night. He might place his ride down the earth, or, more likely, a rooftop, but chances are good he's coming to a stop upon a frosty surface (with, of course, the awesome help of his highly skillful reindeer). So to learn that Santa Claus takes a few minutes out of each year to go tubing on a hill not far from Big Bear? Well, you just gotta go with it, knowing, as youdo, Santa's abilities with modulating speed and stops upon snow. And he'll be doing just that, tubing it up, at least once or twice, when he calls upon Big Bear Snow Play on...
SATURDAY, DEC. 16: True, true, he'll be swinging by the chilly destination for a few fun photographs inside the lodge, so that's really the focus of his day in the mountains. His hours on that date? Ten in the morning through to 4 o'clock, and visiting with him is totally free. You can snap a picture with the acclaimed elf before hitting the hills, or you can take on the park first, which will surely give your hair a spin and put some chill in your cheeks (a pretty perfect look for posing with Santa, who is so often on the move in cold climes). It's $35 to go tubing, and, you got it, there's a pair of Magic Carpet uphill lifts, so you don't need to trudge back up, time after time after time, if trudging back up isn't your jam. When will Santa finally hop onto a tube of his own? That remains a mystery, like so much surrounding the magic of Christmas, but perhaps, if you're fortunate, you'll see the famous figure zoom by you on the hill, faster than a sleigh in the night.