Singer's Security Chief Says Coldplay Frontman Fears Alleged Stalker

The head of security for the frontman of the band Coldplay testified Monday that Chris Martin was afraid of a woman who has allegedly made repeated attempts to engage with him at his Malibu home.

Terry Abbott told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Thomas Trent Lewis that Martin sent him a text message expressing his concerns about the alleged stalker, Ariana Joyce, who was outside the singer's home on Feb. 11.

"He said he was afraid, which is very uncommon for Mr. Martin," Abbott said.

Abbott said Joyce had repeatedly used deception in the past to try and get access to Martin's home and was doing so again the day the singer texted him with his concerns. He said Joyce used different stories each time to try and justify her presence.

Abbott's testimony came during the second day of a hearing before the judge on Martin's request for an extension of a temporary restraining order he previously was given against Joyce.

The Coldplay frontman alleges that Joyce has left notes at his Malibu residence that allude to death and suicide, as well as to his daughter Apple, 14, and son Moses, 12, whose mother is Martin's ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow.

Martin also alleges that Joyce's letters include delusions about a romantic relationship with the musician, and that she also placed a package inside his gate despite being warned by security to keep away.

Just as during the first day of the hearing on April 24, Lewis repeatedly admonished Joyce to conduct herself properly in court, where she is representing herself and questioning witnesses. The judge said Joyce was engaged in a "rant," had created a "circus atmosphere."

"I know you're enjoying yourself," the judge told Joyce. Joyce has denied Abbott's claims that she stepped onto Martin's driveway, saying she was merely walking down his street. She said she had many friends in the area.

Joyce also denied that she was an "overzealous fan" of Martin.

Joyce repeatedly questioned Abbott about how he obtained a photograph of her and how he knew it was her depicted in the image. Abbott said Martin's property has cameras and that one of them recorded an image of Joyce, which he compared to images of her on social media.

Joyce is scheduled to be questioned by Martin's attorneys on Wednesday. Martin is scheduled to return and resume his testimony on May 7.

The current order directing Joyce to remain at least 100 yards from Martin remains in effect until May 7.

Martin, 42, told the judge last week he is traveling to London on business and could not be back before early May. At the conclusion of the hearing, Lewis will decide whether to extend the stay-away order, which is usually done in three- or five-year increments -- and for how long.

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